Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tutorial: Flower Crowns

I began making my signature flower crowns / floral wreaths in 2012, as an alternative to wearing the required hats while working for a shop at the Renaissance Faire.  They've become larger and more complicated over the years, but the basic instructions remain the same.  Let's start with some picture

The first one that I ever made!

Second attempt: a small headband with leaves and beads

I wore this naturalistic one with branches to my college graduation
And I made this one for Beltane last year

Let's bust into the tutorial!

Gather your supplies.  This is my current collection of faux flowers.  It's a bit overwhelming.

And here is the hardware.  You are going to need vine wire (to form the base), a glue gun, craft scissors (S.S. stands for Shit Scissors, as this pair is all nicked and dull), wire cutters, and beading wire. 
To create the base, cut a piece of the vine wire and begin to shape it.  I like to use a 3-strand braid, but this can really be whatever you'd like.  Make sure it's long enough to fit comfortably on your head once it's bent!
Tuck the edges in so that it will be safe and relatively respectable looking.  This one is headband style, so the back will be open- hence the line shape rather than a ring.
Once you've bent it into your desired head-like shape, add beading wire at key junctions to keep the vine braid in place and make it nice and strong

Now you get to go crazy with hot glue!


More pictures!  You can see how much variety one can achieve with the same technique.  Here is a set that I made for a production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Peaseblossom and Moss  (Moth), who were played by women

Titania and Oberon

Mustardseed and Cobweb, they boy fairies

Oberon and Puck

And here are some gratuitous studio-style shots that I took for my portfolio.  The shots on the clear plastic base give you and idea of what the insides of these suckers look like

This was my Halloween project last year- a seriously major autumnal crown!  It's fairly heavy

And a simple little woodland wreath, very maidenly and subdued

Have fun crafting!